Category Archives: The CW’s Arrow

‘Arrow’ finale recap: The hero this city deserves

As I said on my Twitter last night, I am surprised they could make a Green Arrow adaptation so damned good. I wish they could apply some of this talent to the waining properties like Superman and Batman.

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(Review) Arrow Season 2 Episode 22, Streets of Fire


Fire fills the streets, the death toll begins to soar and everyone fills with despair as the size and scope of Deathstroke’s plans begin to become clear. The viewers thirst for destruction, mayhem and tension are fuflilled in an action packed penultimate episode that doesn’t fail to entertain. (Caution: may contain spoilers, or have come in contact with spoilers.)

The City Falls Apart

Streets of Fire

There’s nothing like when the first ten minutes of a show is a mess of destruction chaos and death. Really keeps you on your toes for the whole episode. The episode makes it clear and never lets up that Deathstroke’s men are everywhere in the city. The second people think their safe, poof! There’s a guy in a mask throwing people across the room. To make matters worse, Argus has decided its safer to destroy the entire city rather than risk the chaos spreading. Oliver faces a challenge…

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(Review) Arrow Season 2 Episode 21, City of Blood

Last night’s Arrow was where the shit hit the fan. Not only did Isabel finally show up as the full fledged Ravager, but Brother Blood was found out and city apocalypse number 2 is on the horizon. I hear next episode Nyssa Al Ghul will return, so that’s fun. I wonder when we’ll see Ra‘s (or for that matter the return of Malcolm Merlin?)

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The heat continues to turn up as Deathstroke, Ravager and Blood take their army to the streets. Meanwhile, Oliver must deal with the ramifications of last weeks events, which have left him broken and with little to no hope. He begins to wonder if maybe the best solution is to give up and hope that Deathstroke will stop his plans without Oliver to torture. (Caution: may contain spoilers, or have come in contact with spoilers.)

The Episode Earns Its Title

City of Blood

Here we are back to the big problem: Deathstroke and his plans for starling (though Deathstroke doesn’t show his face). With Moira dead (sorry if you didn’t know that yet… but you probably shouldn’t be reading this review if you didn’t… I digress) Sebastian Blood is now the mayor of starling city. Wallowing in his victory we see the smug new mayor throwing around his weight and then fulfilling his…

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‘Arrow’ recap: It’s not easy being green

English: Summer Glau at WOnderCon 2008

English: Summer Glau at WOnderCon 2008 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Last night’s Arrow had some stunning stunts, great battle sequences, and Summer Glau. Summer Glau is always a plus. (Sorry to get all teenage boy you.) Anyway, this was a great episode but Laurel is the worst! She knows about Ollie and says nothing. Come on, Lance, I’ve had it with your pious waffling!

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Arrow Recap: Oliver Meets His ‘Worst Enemy’ (and No, It’s Not Slade), Plus Three Big Reveals

Here’s a good recap of the latest Arrow episode. Lots went down. Also Deathstroke.

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For the record, don’t call me Speedy: Goon Reviews Arrow “Birds of Prey”

And here’s our weekly Arrow recap. I gotta say, Caity Lotz (Sara Lance) acting is just not good.  But Goon seemed to love it. Read on.

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Arrow – Suicide Squad

This week’s Arrow recap covers Diggle, the man with the plan. Also the SUICIDE SQUAD!!!! Arrow is falling down the Esoteric comic book hole and we fall more and more in love it.

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Caveman Review


So we take a little break from the main arc of Slade and Oliver to focus on Diggle, A.R.G.U.S., and the Suicide Squad. Though Oliver’s story has its good moments, the main story for this episode wasn’t a let down. I’ll go over Oliver before I get into the Suicide Squad. 

Admitting you need help with something is a difficult thing to do, especially for guys. We just want to be macho and do it on our own to prove that we can. Well this is what is happening with Oliver as he’s attempting to find Slade and take him down. This creates a rift between he and Sara which is completely understandable.However Oliver is stubborn and insists on doing this on his own. You’d think by now that Oliver would accept some help  knowing how strong Slade is.

Slade just seems to be a few steps ahead of Oliver in…

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Arrow 2×15 “The Promise” Recap

Because I frankly don’t have the time nor the will to recap all these Arrow episodes, but I want to really give the show its due, I thought I’d reblog a great Recap of the most recent episode. I love reading this guy’s post mortems because of the hilarious way he forgets stuff and seems to have a wealth of new ways to name the mysterious island. Enjoy! And Maybe I’ll find one for Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D as well. I want to keep both of these shows on air!

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DC Comics’ Small Screen Advantage: They Aren’t Marvel

This is a wonderful rundown about the difference between DC and Marvel’s issues with TV and Movies.

I for one have been blown away by the CW‘s Arrow. It’s ability to convey the power of the comics it has drawn on and the way it makes a fully comprehensive world is totally engrossing.

Agent’s of S.H.I.E.L.D. on the other hand is a bit lesser in my opinion. I have been annoyed by the extraordinarily small world it exists in. For instance, when they collided with the events of Thor: Dark World. They just cleaned up after him. This was the only mention. I thought that was a wasted opportunity.

Anyway, have a read it’s a good article.

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Outright Geekery

DC-Marvel TV

It’s been a long and tired argument among comic book fans. A question that virtually defines a comic book fan to his core. A question that has stirred hate, disgust and suspicion among the diehard fanboy and comic newbie alike.

Marvel or DC?

The battle between the two big comic book publishers is long and storied. No one knows when it truly began. Maybe it was the whole golf-course conversation about a certain successful DC superhero team comic and the ensuing team comic from Marvel blatantly copying the method to even greater success. Or the constant back and forth throughout the decades as the companies continued to try and one up each other in sales month after month. No matter how it started, the battle lives and breathes to this day in each and every local comic book shop around the world. The only problem with the argument is that…

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Return of S.H.I.E.L.D.: What the Marvel show needs to be a success

This is a very good article about what S.H.I.E.L.D. needs to do to beat out Arrow.

I agree.

Arrow is a far superior show at the moment. But this is because Oliver Queen‘s city is populated by human heroes. Vigilantes. There still has not yet come a character that has superpowers. Sure, there’s been hints at them, but no outright story about them.

AOS on the other hand has been attempting to tackle that to some degree and on a budget. They haven’t quite managed this yet, but they have created both Mike and the Supervillain, who if you are a comic book nerd, you know just by the name and the origin story, that was covered in this show.

I think there needs to be more references to both the films and the larger Marvel world. The writers seem to be relying on a very small world. Or at least that’s what the show has felt like thus far. Anyway, have a read.

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Box Office Buzz

646056 KS_New_shieldIt’s somewhat ironic: Marvel seems to have had more success, overall, bringing its superheroes to the big screen than rival DC Comics, but DC Comics is king of the small screen. Its latest TV show “Arrow,” about vigilante archer Oliver Queen, just keeps getting better and better, while Marvel’s “Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.” has struggled a bit to find its voice.

“Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.” premiered last fall, an exciting experiment designed to bring the Marvel cinematic universe to the small screen. Rather than focusing on big-name superheroes like Iron Man or Captain America, “Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.” promised to take viewers behind the scenes and show them what life is like for everyday agents without special powers. It was a great premise, and with Marvel’s golden touch, the show seemed to be an all-but-guaranteed success.

However, fan reactions to the first half of season 1 were decidedly mixed, and the show dropped…

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